two round gold wedding rings for husband and wife on a glass table together with baby's breath flower in background

Praying With Your Spouse

First off, I am not a marriage therapist. I am not a marriage expert. I am not a newlywed but my husband and I have not grown old together yet either. Let’s just say I have reached the cruising altitude of marriage. The fasten seat belt light has been turned off and we feel free to move around the cabin, but there is always a chance of turbulence. 

Sometimes the turbulence comes on sudden and sometimes it is in the forecast. Either way, when the seatbelt sign comes on, the best safety device is prayer. Together. 

There is something about taking the hand of your spouse and talking with God. Together. Maybe just one talks or maybe you both do. Either way, there are two hearts talking to God. Sometimes this is done around a table, or standing just inside the door before one heads off to work. Sometimes this is done in joy and thanksgiving, while other times it is done during times of anger and hurt. And sometimes it is done on bender knee with lots of tears.

I remember when I became pregnant with our first daughter, I became very anxious one night that I was miscarrying. I was experiencing a pain that I didn’t think was normal and I was terrified. It turned out to be fine and we gave birth to a healthy baby girl 7 months later. But oh my goodness that night was so long. All I could do was hit my knees in prayer and ask my husband to pray over our baby. And he did. And I believe that moment happened for a reason. I believe that was a teaching point for us in our marriage. The comfort and closeness that was brought to our marriage that night is something I still think upon and thank the Lord for. 

Since then we have grown in our prayer walk together as a couple. If I wake up anxious during the night, I know I can wake my husband up to pray for me and with me. But this didn’t happen instantaneously. It took dedication to prayer in our marriage and dedication to each other to fulfill that part of spiritual companionship. 

So what if you have never said a prayer with your spouse? Then one of the best parts of marriage is ahead of you and you can look forward to that. 

Pray for the opportunity to pray together. 

Ask your spouse if they would feel comfortable praying with you. 

It may feel awkward the first time, a little out of each of your comfort zones. But that is okay. God will work and connect your hearts through prayer. 

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” ~Proverbs 27:17 

So if you are newlyweds…mold your marriage through prayer.

If you have reached cruising altitude…protect and strengthen your marriage through prayer. 

One day the two of you will reach your destination and prepare for landing…together. 

Her Love For Him