Dry desert sands and rocky terrain with pink sunset sky

The Desert of Motherhood

It had been one of those weeks…the constant running and trying to keep up with the everyday routines had taken a toll on me. But I was more than just physically tired, I was emotionally exhausted. I plopped down on the couch after the kids were asleep, my husband came into the room and asked if everything was okay. He had noticed my heart was heavy. I began to rehash the past week and how I felt a little overwhelmed with life at the moment. He then asked “how are you doing spiritually?“ I looked over at my Bible that was sitting on the dining room table, I had not touched it all week. It was then that I realized…I was in the desert.

It is so easy to allow ourselves to wonder away from the well of water that He so freely gives us. Life sometimes gets us turned around and when we look up we can sometimes find ourselves so thirsty for His word.

 Satan loves the desert of motherhood because that is where he preys on our weakness, our low patience, our anxiety, and our lack of nourishment from our Father’s word. He tries to create quicksand where our focus is on the daily worries of life rather than our daily communion with the Lord.

Moms, let’s be honest…why is it that we sometimes neglect our biggest survival tool of motherhood when we need it the most? Why do we choose ten minutes of our favorite show rather than ten minutes in His word. Why do we sometimes choose to scroll through Facebook before bed but not turn the pages of our Bible before bed?  The truth of the matter is, we can sleep as much as possible but never feel rested because we are not resting in His word. We can drink all the coffee in our cup but if we are not waking up in His word, we will be tired all day. We can eat and diet all we want to change our physical body, but if we are not feeding on the word then our soul will surely decay. We can exercise and max out our gym membership but if we are not daily working out our spiritual life, we are running a race without the prize. 

So when you find yourself in the desert, pick up your Bible. The Lord will always meet you there. 

Psalm 107:35 “He turned the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into flowing springs.” 

Her Love For Him