Magnolia wreath with wooden welcome sign on white door of home

A Slice Of Heaven

Where do you call home? Everyone answers this question at some point in life. 

Childhood is when our kids first learn where to call “home.” They learn that there is a difference within the walls of their home and the world that exists when they step outside. They realize the difference in how they are treated and the love that engulfs them when they walk through the door to their home. They recognize the interest that is taken in their walk as a child of God and the value that comes with being called a child of the King.

I firmly believe that God graciously gives parents the strong anchor of  the “home” to help their children catch their breath when the world becomes overwhelming. 

I believe we become a compass that helps lead them to the bridge from their earthly home to their heavenly home. We help point them to the direction of the cross, in the direction of Jesus. 

I used to want my children to think of me when they thought of “home.” But in reality that is a false truth. I am not their home. Their home is reserved to someone who loves them more than I ever could. That is a hard statement to say out loud and not natural for a mother to grasp. Someone loving my child more than me, how can that be??? But if you know Jesus, you know that His love surpasses all. If you know Jesus then you know where their “home” resides. In fact the home that awaits those who know and follow the Lord is unimaginable. The love that we will find ourselves in as we embrace the Father is beyond anything our hearts can fully understand. 

So what is our role as parents; as mothers? We give our kids a little taste of what awaits them one day. By creating an earthly home that serves the Lord we are in return able to serve our children a little slice of Heaven. We surround them with love, we rejoice and celebrate with them, we remind them that this isn’t the end of the story. And we surrender to the notion that we are able to give them all they need. The Lord equips us to love fiercely, yes this is true. But our job is to surrender to Him and remind our children that He is everything they need from start to finish. 

To those who were fortunate enough to grow up in a home full of love….pass that on. Make your home what it should be, a little slice of Heaven. 

To those who grew up in different circumstances…create what you didn’t have. Make your home what it should have been, a little slice of heaven. 


You hold a special place in your child’s life. A place that was reserved specifically for you by God. He has a purpose for you as their mother. He has called you to this task of loving them. He will equip you with all you need. 

     “Her children arise and call her blessed.”  Proverbs 31:28 

Her Love For Him