banquet table set with plates and candles and fruit in the middle of a table in a wooded forest, drink glasses and greenery

A Seat At The Table

My daughters love to make people feel special. I find this such an endearing quality about them. They are two little girls running around with the biggest hearts just ready to do something special for you. Their latest trend is to decorate mommy’s seat at the breakfast table. 

Every morning they put three bright pink flowers on my chair to make it clear which is “mommy’s seat.” After the first few mornings of this routine I asked why they did this sweet act of kindness everyday Their response, “so that you know which seat is yours at the table and to get it ready for you because you are special to us and no one else can sit there.” Cue waterfall of tears…they know how to pull at this mama’s heart strings. 

But ya know, it got me thinking how we all have a seat being prepared for us. It is a special seat. One reserved for each of us and prepared by our Father in Heaven at the most special table we will ever sit at. 

If you really stop and think about that for a moment …you can’t help but think of the love that will be around that table. You are invited to this heavenly banquet and what is more, God is preparing your seat specifically for you.

Why you ask? Well as my daughters say…”because He wants you to know which seat is yours and that you are special to Him and no one else can sit there.“

Her Love For Him