mom putting baby in car seat rear facing in car smiling and buckling in the child

Faith And Car Seats

Car seats. They are a beast to assemble and quite heavy to carry with a baby in them. But they protect our child. They protect their head and their little bones in case of an unexpected impact. For the first couple of years a child rides rear facing and then they are turned around forward facing. It can be difficult for the first couple of years of rear facing because you can’t reach them as well from the front seat. But I think even more challenging is that they can’t see you as well. Yes, I know we have the mirrors and all the gadgets to keep them entertained on their journey but they don’t have a direct line of view of their mother or their father. 

But then the day comes when the car seat makes the turn and their eyes are able to see the road and most of all they see you…and they smile. 

Faith is like a car seat. It’s the moments of rear facing, not being able to see the road ahead but just trusting our Heavenly Father in our journey that build our faith. We kick, scream, and cry out to be released from the buckled down situations that have a hold of us. We are uncomfortable and we are uncertain. We do not understand why we are in the circumstance that we are in and all we want is to be held by the arms that we know. 

And then the Lord turns us forward facing. We then see Him. And we see that He has been with us the entire time. Sometimes we have reached the destination and are able to see why things worked the way they did. And sometimes we are just able to see more clearly the road that we need to be taking, and are more equipped for the turns and bumps along the way. 

But don’t forget about your rear facing days. Use those moments that you felt so uncertain, had no clue how things would ever turn out “okay,” and could only close your eyes and pray to see Him at work in your life or the life of your loved ones. Use the rear facing, faith building days to be more at peace with the forward facing challenges that come your way. 

The Lord is present and always has been. He hears you. His arms are around you. Enjoy being forward facing now and always lean on those rear facing, faith building moments between you and the Lord. 

Her Love For Him