• Magnolia wreath with wooden welcome sign on white door of home

    A Slice Of Heaven

    Where do you call home? Everyone answers this question at some point in life.  Childhood is when our kids first learn where to call “home.” They learn that there is a difference within the walls of their home and the world that exists when they step outside. They realize the difference in how they are treated and the love that engulfs them when they walk through the door to their home. They recognize the interest that is taken in their walk as a child of God and the value that comes with being called a child of the King. I firmly believe that God graciously gives parents the strong anchor…

  • banquet table set with plates and candles and fruit in the middle of a table in a wooded forest, drink glasses and greenery

    A Seat At The Table

    My daughters love to make people feel special. I find this such an endearing quality about them. They are two little girls running around with the biggest hearts just ready to do something special for you. Their latest trend is to decorate mommy’s seat at the breakfast table.  Every morning they put three bright pink flowers on my chair to make it clear which is “mommy’s seat.” After the first few mornings of this routine I asked why they did this sweet act of kindness everyday Their response, “so that you know which seat is yours at the table and to get it ready for you because you are special…

  • woman stretching getting ready to run with white tennis shoes on and black work out pants standing in street with leaves in the fall

    Start Your Day Off Right

    Start your day off right, start your day with the Lord.  He knows what the day ahead of you holds. He knows the challenges, the frustrations, and He has sprinkled blessings throughout the day with you in mind.  Start your day off right, start your day in His word. Renew your mind for the day ahead and give your heart a head start on His love. Start your day off right, start your day off in prayer. He is ready to listen, He is ready to supply all your needs, He is ready to lift you up.  So start your day off right, start your day with thanksgiving and anticipation…

  • Pen and tablet of paper on wooden table with a cup of coffee on a saucer

    A Note to Satan

    As a mother, I woke up and you tried your normal tactic of trying to fill my heart with fear. Fear of the evil that exists in this world and what I face as I try to raise my precious child.  But the Lord whispered louder than your screaming.  For you see, right now is the season of milk and cookies. My child is not yet aware of your darts and arrows. In fact her world only consists of love, laughter, and chocolate chips.  And it is during this season that the Lord equips us mothers with powerful strength as we raise our children to fight the good fight. So…

  • Red fall leaves on a tree in autumn blowing in the wind

    Be Still And Know

    “Be still; and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 When your heart is heavy and burdened with sadness…be still. When you are drowning in anxiety and your steps seem unstable and your way is shaken…be still   When you are at a loss of which way to turn or not sure where your path is going…be still.  When you find yourself questioning His will and His plans for you or your family…be still.  Because when you are still you are able to breath a little easier as He comforts your heart. Your steps are strengthened as you stand on His unwavering promises. As you wait patiently for His will,…

  • purple, pink, and orange sunset over lake with person standing on a wooden dock and the sunset and snow capped mountains in the background reflection in the water

    Want To See A Miracle

    “And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.l        Matthew 13:58 I stumbled across this verse this last week and it has stayed with me ever since. It made me start thinking of the power of faith and miracles. Most of us would say that we have faith in God and in His son Jesus. Most of us would also say they we believe in the power of prayer. But if I am being honest with myself and with my readers…sometimes my faith is lukewarm. Ouch. What a hard truth to swallow. But when I took time to reflect on my prayer life and my…

  • Woman pregnant in white dress standing in wheat field holding baby bump looking down and smiling

    Dear Mama To Be

    So many beautiful moments await you. This will be one of your greatest adventures. You will at times question if you can do this. You will at times feel you’re doing it all wrong. But God has equipped you for this calling. And remember… Your secret weapon is PRAYER. Her Love For Him

  • two round gold wedding rings for husband and wife on a glass table together with baby's breath flower in background

    Praying With Your Spouse

    First off, I am not a marriage therapist. I am not a marriage expert. I am not a newlywed but my husband and I have not grown old together yet either. Let’s just say I have reached the cruising altitude of marriage. The fasten seat belt light has been turned off and we feel free to move around the cabin, but there is always a chance of turbulence.  Sometimes the turbulence comes on sudden and sometimes it is in the forecast. Either way, when the seatbelt sign comes on, the best safety device is prayer. Together.  There is something about taking the hand of your spouse and talking with God.…

  • purple ripe grapes on a green vine in vineyard

    Remaining In The Vine

    “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” John 15:1-2 What an amazing relationship we have with the Father. He helps us by clearing the brush from our life that isn’t producing fruit. He then continues to grow and nurture the part of our life that is producing fruit.  I find a lot of comfort in this verse of the Bible and it also motivates me to look at my life. To examine my fruit. Sometimes I walk away…

  • Bright yellow, orange, and red early morning sunrise giving hope for the day

    Faith That Reaches Out

    One morning a woman who had been suffering for twelve long years woke up with more than just hope. I imagine she stepped out of her bed and her feet touched the floor with anticipation for the day. I picture her running to get dressed. As water splashed on her face, she replayed the glorious news her ears had heard. I sometimes wonder how she felt the first moment she heard the news as it was proclaimed throughout the town. Jesus was going to be passing by. The man who was known to be the Son of God, the Messiah was going to be near.  The Bible does not tell…